2022年5月31日 星期二


森田童子 - 男のくせに泣いてくれた(曲、詞、唱)


夢のように はかなく





淋しかった 私の話を聞いて

男のくせに 泣いてくれた


君と涙が 乾くまで





いつか 淋しい 季節の風を

ほほに 知っていた


君と涙が 乾くまで





いつか 淋しい 季節の風を

ほほに 知っていた




ぼくたちの失敗 (我們的失敗) - 森田童子 (曲、詞、唱)






君と話し疲れて いつか 黙り こんだ 


ストーブ代わりの電熱器 赤く燃えていた 



地下のジャズ喫茶 変れないぼくたちがいた 


悪い夢のように 時がなぜてゆく 



ぼくがひとりになった部屋にきみの好きなチャリー・パーカー 見つけたヨ 

在孑然孤身的房間裡,找到了你喜歡的 Charlie Parker



だめになったぼくを見て 君もびっくりしただろう 


あのこはまだ元気かい 昔の話だネ 



春のこもれ陽の中で 君のやさしさに 


うもれていたぼくは 弱虫だったんだヨネ


2022年5月28日 星期六


What Do You Need To Do For Meeting Preparation


1.Before a meeting開會前

We are going to hold our first meeting with new members on Oct. 3. 我們將於 10 3 日與新成員舉行第一次會議。

Create an agenda and share a link to it. 創建一個議程並分享它的鏈接

Kindly download and print the agenda, and bring it to the meeting tomorrow.



Now that we are all here .Let’s get start it! 現在我們都在這裡,讓我們開始吧!

Meeting Theme會議主題


Welcome guests & inviting the President to Start the Meeting歡迎客人並邀請主席開始會議

Opening Remark/ Guest Introduction開幕致辭/嘉賓介紹

Who is ice breaker?誰是破冰者?

List the decisions that must be made during the meeting ,next steps, and task assignment in your agenda. .列出會議期間必須做出的決定,後續步驟和議程中的任務分配


2. During the meeting process會議過程中


Good morning, everyone. The purpose of todays meeting is to discuss…大家,早安。 今天會議的目的是討論……

Thank you for attending感謝您的出席

Let’s welcome our new team members. 讓我們歡迎我們的新團隊成員

Thank you all for coming in such short notice. 感謝大家在這麼短的時間內前來。

Meeting Adjournment會議休會

Bringing up topics for Discussion提出討論話題

Table Topic Session專題會議

I am not sure what you mean我不確定你是什麼意思

The timing rule is that you need to answer at least, but cannot over 2 minutes 30 seconds. 計時規則是您至少需要回答,但不能超過 2 30

Could you please answer a Table Topics question? 你能回答一個主題的問題嗎?

Let’s take a look at item [number] on the agenda…讓我們看一下議程上的項目[編號]

For Meeting's harmony, please avoid asking questions in politics, religion, sex and controversial issues. 了會議和諧,請避免問政治、宗教、性和有爭議的問題。

Welcome to contact us if you have any questions or suggestion! 如果您有任何問題或建議,歡迎聯繫我們!

What are your views on this? 您對此有何看法?

The host can elect someone to answer. 主持人可以選擇一個人來回答

I have prepared 7 questions here, and then I am going to invite someone to answer. 我這裡準備了7個問題,然後我準備請人回答

The red board means your speech time is up.紅板表示你的演講時間到了。

Now, please pay attention to the board on my hand. 現在,請注意我手上的板子。

If you are overtime, I will show the Red board, and you must stop and leave the podium immediately.


Any further points? 還有什麼要點嗎?

Next speaker please come forward and sit here to stand by. 下一位發言者請上前來,坐在這裡待命。

Anyone want to add an explanation to this topic? 有人想為這個主題添加解釋嗎?

Now we have come to the final item on the agenda…現在我們來到了議程上的最後一個項目…

Let me summarize the main points.讓我總結一下要點。

n summary, we’re going to...總而言之,我們將...


3. After the meeting會議後

Feedback反饋/Any further question regarding the Table Topics Session, please let me know. 如果有關會議主題的任何其他問題,請告訴我。

2022年5月25日 星期三





Checked bags 托運行李




Currency exchange外幣兌換


Metal detector 金屬探測門

Mini bar(飯店房內)小冰箱







departure hall出境大廳

book a seat搭機劃位

boarding card登機證

入境大廳 arrival hall

靠走道的座位 aisle seat

靠窗的座位 window seat

中間座位 middle seat

磅秤 scale

行李超重費 overweight-luggage charge

metal objects金屬物品

X-ray machine X 光機

metal detector金屬感應器

海關 customs

搜身 frisk

清空 empty out

登機:Passengers for CI-160 to Korea, please go to gate 5.

airport announcement機場廣播

boarding gate登機門

duty-free shop免稅店

waiting room候機室

VIP lounge貴賓室

There has been a gate change.登機門更改了



@water under the bridge都過去了

We had many disagreements in the past, but that is water under the bridge now.

@white lie善意的

Dave told a white lie so his wife wouldn't be upset with him for being late.

@ see a profit有盈利

When I started my own business, we were in the red for the first four years. We didn't see a profit until the fifth year.

@stand their ground不改變論調

We tried to change the color of the room, but the designers stood their ground.

@smooth sailing一帆風順

Since our department put in a new purchasing system, it has been smooth sailing.

@cut corners on工減料

We don't cut corners on our top-selling products.

@a whale of a time玩得很愉快

We had a whale of a time at Christina’s wedding. It was a lot of fun! @beaten path人煙罕至

Ken likes to travel to places that are off the beaten path, where few tourists go.

@a face like thunder非常生氣的

Dan stormed into the room with a face like thunder when he realized someone had scratched his new sports car.

@backseat driver背後操盤手

Although the company's founder retired, many expect him to be a backseat driver to the new CEO.

@ play it by ear見機行事

Kurt is not sure if he'll go to the party tomorrow. He's going to play it by ear.

@red tape繁文縟節

Dan quit his government job because he was tired of the red tape.

@staying faithful保持忠誠

If you truly love someone, staying faithful is easy.

@ threw someone under the bus推卸罪責

John and George committed the crime together. But when the police caught John, he threw George under the bus.

@ the floor is yours輪到發言

Mark, the floor is yours. Please share your proposal.

@stay ahead of the game保持領先局勢

We need to continue advertising to stay ahead of the game.

@blow you away大開眼界

This party will blow you away!

@behind the scenes居於幕後

Even though we only know of the CEO, those who work behind the scenes do much of the detailed work.

@land on your feet時來運轉

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Sooner or later, you’ll land on your feet.

@ go for broke孤注一擲

This is our last chance to win the championship, so let’s go for broke!

@a ray of hope一線希望

Even though there were many applicants, Mary felt there was a ray of hope that she would get the job.

@ should be a breeze易如反掌

We beat this team last time by 20 points, so this game should be a breeze.

@stole his thunder搶人鋒頭

Tom’s wife stole his thunder when she announced to his family he had got a promotion.

@a fair-weather friend酒肉朋友

She turned out to be a fair-weather friend once I lost all my money and couldn’t go out as much.

@ the calm before the storm風雨前的寧靜

My sister and her 5 kids are arriving tomorrow, so I'm just enjoying the calm before the storm today.

@couch potato不運動的人

D. Sara’s husband is a couch potato. In his free time, all he does is watch sports on TV. His doctor says he should exercise.

@feeling under the weather生病不適

Sara went home early because she was feeling under the weather.

@got cold feet一時膽怯

Tony got cold feet and called off his wedding.

@running around in circles原地打轉

I've made phone calls all day and haven't made a single sale. I feel like I've been running around in circles.

@a long shot勝算不大

Winning the lottery is a long shot, but millions of people still buy lottery tickets.

@a change of pace轉換步調

It's nice to go on a business trip because it´s a change of pace.

@let's get down to business切入正題

Well, everyone's here, and I know everyone is very busy. So, let's get down to business and discuss our goals for 2016.

  Chinese slang and buzzwords learning series Normally, a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable by...