To learn what is required to work as a school inspector
文章 (Atom)
Chinese slang and buzzwords learning series Normally, a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable by...
Schools visit and class observation 國際教育教師專業成長英國研習報告 此次教育進修參訪係由英國文化協會主辦率同由台北市、新北市及台中市教育局代表與北市、新北市及台中市校...
日語的“外來語” About Japanese loanword 語言是文化的載體,也是文化傳播的先驅,語言的發展無法獨立於認知系統與社會文化因素之外。在日本文字的發展歷程中,大和民族雖有自己的語言系統,其語言系統從沒有自己的文字到從表音到表意,到最終形成體...
中小學外語教師知識管理與專業成長 knowledge management and professional growth of foreign language teachers in primary and secondary schools H...