2023年3月19日 星期日


Chinese slang and buzzwords learning series

Normally, a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable by being used a lot, especially on television and in the newspapers.

This article was written by me for those who want to learn native Chinese. Native Chinese slang and buzzwords offer you the information what you require in an accessible way. You may learn " Chinese slang and new buzzword” from this way .

Whether you need Chinese at work, at school or university, or for a holiday,

This series is divided into several subject areas such topics as travel, business, food , and drink, and something like that.

This helps you to learn related words and phrases together.

In this way, you can always be sure of using the right word in the right context.

For each topic, there are plenty of example sentences. This series show you how words and phrases are used in real Native Chinese.

I hope that this series can help you as an efficient learner.

1.      will help you to expand your knowledge of Chinese slang and buzzwords in a wide range of situations.

2.      improve your Chinese level with example sentences.

3.      With English/pinyin and quiz.

Let’s get start it.

一、10 ""words in Chinese, do you know how to say? What is "" mean it? For example,台灣57爆新聞 means that TV Channel releases very usual news or aboved  Your expectation.

1. it means unexpected and weird situation

2. that situation comes suddenly and fiercely or violently

3. Different from past perceptions

4. burst out/burst into/ suddenly could not be stopped

5. something different from past but for no reason

1.爆量bào liàng (big numbers)

顧客:最近哪種T-shirt賣得最好(recently, which T-shirt is the most popular? )

售貨員:最近這款式很流行,賣到爆量(this one is very popular, Suddenly selling well)

2.爆紅bào hóng (very famous and popular)

粉絲A:你認為誰是非常有名的Do you think which you Tuber is famous.

粉絲B:李子柒爆紅,很多粉絲Li Ziqi is popular and has many fans

3.引爆點yǐn bào diǎn (the main reason)

朋友A:他最近怎麼回事,都沒跟女友一起(what happened to him? Recently he didn’t with his girlfriend. )

朋友B:他們分手了,引爆點在於遠距離無法見面(They have already broken up, the main reason is because of long-distance, so that they couldn’t meet up)

4.驚爆價格jīng bào jià gé (unbelievable price)

顧客:這件衣服可以再更便宜嗎?( Can you give this dress discount? )

售貨員:小姐你不買會後悔,這已經是驚爆價格了(If you don’t buy then would regret, this price couldn’t cheaper )

5.爆買bào mǎi (binge shopping)

遊客A:為什麼台灣人這麼喜歡去日本?(Why Taiwanese prefer to go to Japan for travellng? )

遊客B: 聽說觀光客去日本爆買購物(I heard that those visitors go to Japan for binge shopping)

6.火爆huǒ bào(a person who is unstable or unpeaceful)

朋友A:為何他這麼我行我素(Why he is always bad temper and goes his own way)

朋友B:他本來就是一個火爆浪子(So far he was always a fiery temper prodigal)

7.驚爆jīng bào (shocking news)

對話A:你著迷的那位明星驚爆已經結婚了(According to TV news, your crush star got married)

對話B:OMG,心碎(my heart broken)

8.爆料bào liào (tell-all truth)

民眾A:我投訴一件不公平的事,但他們都不處理(I complained something is unfair ,but they didn’t deal with  )

民眾B:你可以向媒體爆料(You may tell all the truth to social medial )

9.大爆冷門dà bào lěng mén (underdog victory) have unexpected result

同事A:沒想到這結果大爆冷門(I couldn't imagine this underdog victory)

同事B:對啊,令人意外的結果(indeed, unexpected result)

10. 爆發力bào fā lì (Unexpected power)

爸爸:最近房地產爆發力驚人(Recently, real estate really burst into higher prices )

媽媽:那我們也去看房子吧(then how about we also go to have a look)

11.爆滿 bàomǎn(full/overflow)

市政廳人潮爆滿到街上去了(The crowed overflowed the city hall into the street).

12.爆米花 bàomǐhuā(popcorn)

我看電影時喜歡吃爆米花(I like to eat popcorn while watching movies)

13.爆炸 bàozhà(explosion/blow out)

在捷運站發生了恐怖的爆炸(There was a terrible explosion at the MRT station)

14.爆竹 bàozhú(firecrackers)

我們在新年時放鞭炮(We set off the firecrackers in Chinese new year)

15.爆香 bào xiāng (salute)

 你可以放進蒜頭與蔥去爆香,這樣食物會更好吃(You may put into garlic or onion into to salute, then can make the food much more delicious.)

  Chinese slang and buzzwords learning series Normally, a word or expression from a particular subject area that has become fashionable by...